
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Rules & Regulations

As a member of this community, we should follow, respect, and apply all the rules and regulations that are stated below... ⚠️OVERALL⚠️ RULES &REGULATIONS 🔰 B e like Jesus Christ, and Act as a Christian.  Bad attitudes are not tolerated in this Community. 🔰Members must abide to the decisions of the admins. Suggestions are welcome, but should not be insisted.  🔰Tagalog and English are the official language of this community. Avoid using your own dialect. 🔰Respect each other. Be Responsible in all the words that you type and release.  🔰Topics that are against the belief of Seventh-Day Adventist should be avoided.  🔰Be friendly. We made this community to have more friends, and not enemies.  ⚠️GROUP CHATS⚠️ RULES & REGULATIONS 🔰Neither among the members are allowed to change the group photo, theme, and emoji. 🔰Neither among the members are allowed to add/remove someone in the Group Chat. 🔰Leaving the Group Chat without any permission/last message to ...

Adventist Youth Ministry
