The Rules & Regulations

As a member of this community, we should follow, respect, and apply all the rules and regulations that are stated below...


🔰Be like Jesus Christ, and Act as a Christian. Bad attitudes are not tolerated in this Community.
🔰Members must abide to the decisions of the admins. Suggestions are welcome, but should not be insisted. 
🔰Tagalog and English are the official language of this community. Avoid using your own dialect.
🔰Respect each other. Be Responsible in all the words that you type and release. 
🔰Topics that are against the belief of Seventh-Day Adventist should be avoided. 
🔰Be friendly. We made this community to have more friends, and not enemies. 


🔰Neither among the members are allowed to change the group photo, theme, and emoji.
🔰Neither among the members are allowed to add/remove someone in the Group Chat.
🔰Leaving the Group Chat without any permission/last message to the admins will be considered as disrespectful thing.
🔰Dummy/Second Account are not allowed to be added in the Group Chat.
🔰Avoid sending likes, crying emojis, and any unrelated emojis if not necessary.
🔰Avoid sending negative thoughts, dramas, or threats. (e.g. gusto ko nang mamatay, aalis na lang ako dito, and wala akong kwenta).
🔰Sending/Forwarding long messages, or articles and links are not allowed. We suggest everyone to post it on our official group page on FB. Visit FB Group>>
🔰Sending unrelated photos and videos are not allowed.
🔰Taking up some topics that does not belong to (AGAINST) the Seventh-Day Adventist belief should be avoided. (e.g. kain tayo baboy)
🔰Bullying, and using following words: (tanga, bobo, ampt, and any foul words) are not tolerated in this Group Chat.
🔰Any distractions (religious or not) during devotional should be avoided. Kindly reserve it, and send it after the devotional.
🔰Sabbath is HOLY. Worldy topics should be avoided every Sabbath or reserve it after the Sabbath.
🔰Curfew are still implemented in this Group Chat (starts between 10:00-11:00 PM, from Sunday-Friday only).
🔰Be responsible in every action you make. Think before you click.

Comment section are open for any suggestions and questions. But don't forget to follow our rules and regulations. 


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